Mission Impossible III

Anyway, 10 Minute phone call and another £10 down the drain.
The premium line does eventually get you through to someone that seems to have a clue but the first 5 mins go a bit like this...
"You've reached the Australian High Commission not-so-hot-line. The answers to most questions can be found on our website. That's www.immi.gov.au. Let me spell that for you w for world, w for wide, w for web, dot for dot, I for idiot, M for moron, M for mongo, I for Insane, dot for full-stop, G for Gawd Almighty, O for obtuse, V for visa?-ha-ha-you-ain't-getting-one, dot for period, A for awkward, U for useless. I'll repeat that for you...
...I'm sure that you get the picture. It's a real money earner for them I think. Anyway, eventually got through to someone who seemed to know their stuff. There was no pausing to look things up on her computer or being put on hold while she asked a collegue. However, she did say that we had to fill in more forms (like that bit in Wayne's World 2 where they try to get the permit for Waynestock) and that we had to send them to the issuing office.
THE ISSUING OFFICE!!! That's the fools who told us to go on this wild goose chase in the first place. This whole thing has been like shopping for shoes with a chick; try 42 pairs on in 13 different stores and then go back to the first shop and buy the original pair.
So, the forms are filled out and scans of the new pasports have been sent and hopefully we'll hear from them by the morning. At least we don't have to take a trip to London (yet!).
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