I'll have a pound of mince, the Herald and two 9mm handguns please!

They didn't work for the Police, there weren't involved with a hostage situation and they weren't even passing through to get some groceries on the way home from work. They were restocking the change machine. Three men with guns to replace a few dollar and 25c coins. I couldn't believe it. It's not like it was an ATM full of $50 notes. With the machine door open everyone could see inside it and that alone would have been deterrant enough to put most thieves off - the must have been all of £200 in the whole machine.
Honestly, it does bring it home that despite all its cosmopolitan charm, this place, every now and again, has the ability to show just how Wild West it can be. In some ways Australia is very much like the UK. However, if the UK and the USA had a baby and that baby went to live with it's father during it's teenage years then that baby would be Australia.
Hmm... maybe I'm too American, but define "armed to the teeth" for me? Are we talking, like, AK47 treatment or a simple hand gun? Simple... geez, I am too American...
7:01 am
"However, if the UK and the USA had a baby and that baby went to live with it's father during it's teenage years then that baby would be Australia."
Love this, Zain! Great chat. I often think of America as the bratty (much) younger brother of all the nations in the world with a collective history of over 200 years, but perhaps this bratty younger brother has been shagging around a bit. I'm keen to hear where else the guns come out in Oz - last time I was back in the US I was a bit taken aback at the people allowed to carry guns - like security guards at the mall and bicycle cops. ??!!
10:05 am
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