Is there a God?

If you are religious then you might want to skip this as he presents a great deal of good/logical arguments about why people shouldn't believe in religion including a chapter called "Why God Almost Certainly Doesn't Exist". The retorts from every religeous person/elder/priest/bishop etc is always flawed (in Dawkins view) and essentially revolve around "I don't need proof - I've got faith".
If you are open minded about the possibility of religion being something that has been superceeded by science then have a read. If not then I suppose it doesn't matter what's in this book as it won't change your mind - as Dawkins says "If I believe in a scientific fact for years and then someone presents data to proove it otherwise then I change my belief. Why doesn't that happen in religion?"
Does he deal with the concept of faith versus organized religion? I tend to agree that organized religion is the 'opiate of the masses', but personal belief/faith/curiosity, whether in God or Allah or Buddha or Zeus, I consider a completely different idea...?
2:36 pm
yeah - he covers that too... and then swiftly dispenses with it. Worth a read if you are curious. Zx
10:41 am
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