Anaesthetic Crimbo Dinner
Last night was our Xmas dinner for all the anaesthetic team at Monklands. It was great. We had the party at my flat which was catered by Morag Todd. The menu was awesome and everyone was stuffed by the end of dinner. We had gallons of wine and beer and people did their best to make a dent in it, however, Isla and I still have enough left to see us through the festive period.
A major thanks to everyone that pitched in with cleaning the dishes etc. Morag was astounded this morning. Much less work for her today I think.
After dinner Natasha and I ran the Xmas quiz and I'm happy to say that everyone got right into it. There was a lot of competitive streaks on display which was particularly evident by the fact that everyone was willing to "shock" themselves to gain/steal points. I wish that I'd managed to get more of it on film but unfortunately I didn't. I did however get a good clip of Scott Marshall doing an impression of an Orthopod by dragging his knuckles along the ground - chimp style.
It was amazing that everyone was so up for it. Leslie Baird was desparate to do a pole dance but alas we never got round to that. She did do a cartwheel though which almost ended in her crashing drunkenly into the TV. Tash's Tina Turner outfit was cool and I think her "Alien Lung Physiology" question stumped everyone. Ruth's Christmas chocolate balls were really tasty (I'm presently enjoying one of them).
The winners of the quiz got a big hamper full of tasty treats, booze and some fun stuff.
Anyway, the funniest part of the night happened once most folk had left. Rory's booze kicked in with avengance and he became midazolam-tastic with his dribble. If you click on the "my photos" link to the right you can see all the pics from the night.
Click here to see Rory talk nonsense.
I hope nobody gets offended by this but I felt like I had to put it up as normally it's me who's in this state and for once it was nice not to be. Honesty, Rory, I think I've found a drinking soul-mate!
Anyway, hope everyone enjoyed themselves. I had a great time!
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