Workman's Arse!
If you are a girl then ignore this post - that includes you Isla. This post is purely for the boys and if you girls read on and are offended by this then don't say I didn't warn you!!!
The other night I was on my way back from the hospital. I've been cycling to work and on this particular day I was working a 2pm till midnight shift so I was cycling down PAcific Highway at roughly 1am.
I only had about 3km to go till I got home when I reached the part of the road that crosses the Freeway (Motorway). They've been working on it everynight that I've cycled past and I've never really taken that much notice of it.
However, as I approached the junction the lights turned red and I had to stop. There were two workman next to me loading stuff into a big council-style lorry. Nothing out of the ordinary you might say. I hadn't really paid them that much attention until they started talking to each other in highpitched girlie voices.
I did a double take and realised that the two workmen were work-women! Not only were they girls, but they were young girls perhaps in their 20's. And to top it all off they were totally hot! I couldn't believe it. Girls doing manual labour by themselves in the middle of one of Sydney's main highways and looking fit at the same time. What is the word coming to?

Look, I told you girls not to read this post, and no I don't think girls in Glasgow are all ugly!!! I just think you wouldn't get attractive ones doing motorway maintenance. If you are attractive and you want to do some roadside manual labour on the M8 then please prove me wrong!
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