Dragon Fly Physics

It was pouring outside as the train trunddled along the track and my mind was just wondering, thinking about nothing, when I dragon fly flew into the carriage and started hovering just infront of me.
I had that feeling like the time I came up with the thought "If the dirtiest part of the body is the mouth, do you think cat's lick their arse to clean their mouth?"
My thought was this... we are in the carriage and the dragon fly is hovering. However, the train is moving. So is the dragon fly hovering or infact is the dragon fly flying forward at the same speed as the train. Afterall Newton's first law is every body continues in it's uniform motion unless some external unbalanced force acts upon the body. Not that this is really relevant in this situation by I wanted to prove that I learned something in high school physics.
So to me it looked like the dragonfly was hovering yet it's not part of the train and it's not attached to the train. My conclusion was that because the air in the train was moving at the same speed as the carriage therefore the dragonfly didn't have to fly forward.
I bet your glad you read this!
Zain. So far this blog has been excellent and interesting. But seriously dude. That is quite possibly the gayest thing that you have ever said.
I mean a dragonfly...wtf!
This is the sort of crap you think about on the pan, and tell no one about....
Rest of it is a peach though.
4:36 pm
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