Howdy readers. Sorry I've not posted for a while but Aly and his wife Elizabeth were staying with us for the last 6 days and it was awesome to have some familiar faces about.
We managed to spend a fair amount of time together as Isla was off all weekend and I was off from Monday till Thursday which was great. I took a few pictures of the weeks antics and here follows a few of the pics and brief history of what we were up to at the time.

This was taken outside the Chinese Gardens of Friendship in Darling Harbour. We thought it would be nice to chill out in the gardens and have a blether but unbeknownst to us there was a cover charge and we were feeling a bit cheap. Then Elizabeth came out with the class line of "I'm sure we'll see plenty of these in China!" so we dingied the gardens and went for a boost juice instead. I felt chilled after that anyway!

Darling Harbour has loads of fountains and water features and we had quite a bit of fun playing in them. This feature was really cool but it's labyrinthine construct had Elizabeth stumped for a while and she couldn't find her way to the center!

All that water and Boost Juices made Aly a bit desperate for the toilet and when he couldn't hold it any more he ended up doing the most spectacular impression of a thoroughbred racehorse.

Over the week we did a reasonable amount of beer tasting (although not to excess of course) but here is Elizabeth showing us all how it's done. You gotta love the Stein!

We also went to see the QE2 which has been moored in the Harbour for a few days. This pic looks crap but actually the bloke with the white shirt on is Tim Bailey, one of the local weather men (channel ten I think) so I thought I'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone and save a few kilobytes!
All in all it was amazing having you guys visit and you know you're welcome back anytime. Isla and I would be delighted to have you stay again (and Aly - hopefully my kick will be better by then!!!)
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