Top Chow!
I was watching TV with Isla and we were planning what to have for dinner. We banded about a few ideas but before we decided on the evening's menu my phone rang.
It was an annonymous number but since I don't really know anyone here I thought it might be someone from home so I answered it. Alas, I was wrong. It was work and the consultant was mumbling something down the phone along the lines of...
"Eh, tonight's senior is not able to come in as his kids are sick and his mum's just been admitted to hospital. Any chance you could come in and cover his shift?"
I didn't really have time to think up an excuse and I've only just started in the department so I'm still having to make a good impression. So instead of having a tasty meal with Isla on my day off, I found myself getting on the train for a 10 hour night shift.
The night wasn't too bad apart from the 3 hours I spent holding down a massive first-presentation psych patient with florid symptoms while trying to inject midazolam into a vein in his foot. After he settled down I spent ages trying to get to the bottom of why he thought he had "nitrogen compounds coming out his nose" and why the "bacteria in his body was causing build up of anaesthetics in his lungs and putting him to sleep?"
Quite a crazy night - literally, so when I was on my way home I thought that I deserved something to replace the meal I missed last night.
1. Chop a couple of fresh on-the-vine tomatoes and mix in a bowl with fresh chopped basil, rock salt, ground black pepper and balsamic vinegar.
2. Half a baguette length-wise and coat the insides with chopped garlic and olive oil then grill for 5 minutes under the grill
3. Add the tomato mix to the top of the baguette halves and grill for another 5 minutes.
4. Eat!
5. Sit back, pat your stomach and grin.
Wow there big man! some of relish the chance to dable in the world of first onset psychosis. treat me right now, ye hear?!
10:26 pm
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