What do you do with spare time?
Anyway, with all that spare time I'm not only exploring Sydney, but also exploring my creative side. As this picture shows it's amazing what you can do with a laptop, a printer and some cheap card from the local art store. Obviously some of you lucky readers have been recipients of my artistic brilliance already but I've hit a bit of a problem which the rest of you kindly folk can help me with.
You see, I've made too many of these bloody things and since I didn't bring an address book with me I've not got anyones postal address. These cards are a bit like Gremlins that have had a bucket of water thrown on them - they keep multiplying and muliplying. I wonder what would happen if I was to feed them after midnight???
If you have my email address (which I'll not be putting on this - sorry) and fancy something in the post then please send me your postal address and I'll oblige. Be warned though, if I send you one, you may end up with millions...
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