Team America/Australia?

The APEC conference is on next week and there is a team of nurses and doctors who are on call incase of an "incident" like an explosion or something similar. In the UK I'm sure that this group of people would have a name which in non-contrived and self explanatory like the "Mobile Medical Disaster Unit" or the "Rapid Response Emergency Medical Team". Wouldn't you?
Well one of the girls at work is part of this group that consists of 4 nurses and 2 doctors who are required to attend an emergency should something occur during the conference. And what are they called.... "The Strike Team". How rediculously SWAT-like is that? It doesn't even make sense. Are they suppose to turn up and get people picketing and demanding higher wages or is their remit to slap-head would-be protesters? Strike Team certainly doesn't conjour up images of highly trained medical specialists reviving the dead and patching up the wounded does it?
U S A! U S A!
You're just jealous, Kapasi.
11:50 am
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