The Plague(s)

When we got back from Melbourne we walked into the flat only to find that there were about 50 giant moths flying about the living room. In fact they were every where and the outside of the windows were covered in a blanket of them all trying to get into the appartment. It was very freaky especially when we disturbed them and they started flapping crazily round the room and dive bombing us.
It seems that some odd weather conditions this year and previous droughts had resulted in an abundance of them this year but not enough birds to eat them all. I suppose that means that there will be more birds than normal next year as all the chicks will have plenty of food this year. Does that also mean that Sydney is going to be covered in masses of bird guano next spring from all the returning birds?
The next plague started about a week ago. Flies. Millions of them. There are so many of them around that everyone is beginning to look like and extra in a third world documentary. I thought perhaps they were landing on me every time I was out on the bike because of my manly fragrance and musky odour but actually it's just cause I smelled like shit.
Anyway, they have appeared because an inconsiderate wind blow them off course and instead of staying inland they all ended up in the City and up my nose.
It's horrible.
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