Our year Down-Under

18 December, 2006

Starship Trooper Action

So after my curry I opened a tasty bottle of Gamay from M&S and sat down to watch Starship Troopers. This is one of my favorite films. Not because it's any good but because it's one of the films that used to be on constantly in the Board Members Room of the GUU (along with Happy Gilmore). Many many many drinking games were played to these movies - remember "you can blow off a limb and it's still 86% combat effective" means you have to finish your drink!!!

Anyway, earlier on today I rescued Isla from a massive spider which was all of 1cm long and then we had a bit of a chat about the daemon spiders that are kickin about Oz and I think she had a bit of a panic. She was wanting a book of Aussie Spiders so that she would be able to identify the poisonous ones. However, I don't see how she's ever going to get close enough to one of them to tell whether it's black, white, short-legged, large-fanged, tree-dwelling or whatever.

Then during Starship Troopers I realised that when an arachnaphobe sees a spider it must be like Joe Bloggs seeing one of the "Bugs" from the movie like the one in the picture above. So I've decided to lay off the "don't worry about the spiders" chat. I'm sure that I'll have the odd natural world panic when we are out there too. Mind you, I've already had a red back bite and I don't fancy another one - EVER!


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