"Anusol's What You Need!"
On a cycle from John O'Groats to Glasgow many years ago, I broke my backside. By Aviemore I couldn't sit in the saddle and was having to pedal for miles standing up. We stopped in a Pharmacy and I asked from some pain killers but the bloke in the shop suggested that I slap haemhorroid cream on my "ring of fire" as Pete decided to call it (infact he sang that song for the next 30 miles!).
Anyway, bought a racer yesterday and took it for a test run this morning at 6am. Did about 25 miles and took a trip up to the hospital where I start work on Monday to see if it will be a feasible commute.
Firstly, it's up hill the ENTIRE way! At one point I ran out of gears on a really steep section and was cursing all the Domino's I've ever eaten. Made it up though but almost stalled a few times which isn't good especilly if you are using clip in shoes and pedals which you don't know how to work and you are fixed to the bike with no hope of being able to let go!
It took about 55 mins to get there but the way home was ace (apart from the 3 lanes of mental Aussie drivers heading into the city). At one point I was cruising at 55km/h without even trying. So much easier than a moontain bike.
However, as the title suggests, it's been a few months since I was last on a bike and I now feel like... well lets just say I'm a bit tender. Sure it will get easier once I develop some butt-callouses.
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