Suspicious man

A piece of advice for anyone that is thinking of going out there... despite it being one of the recommended places to visit in the Rough Guide, if you are a white girl and you've got any boobs to speak of then STAY AWAY! I'm sure Isla wasn't that bothered but I spent the better part of an hour having hundreds of Asian men blatantly staring at Isla's chest. OK, so that happens to girls in Glasgow but it's no where near as obvious. These guys were walking within centimetres of us and gawping at her despite the fact I was standing right beside her (not that I'm jealous). Quite unnerving to say the least.
Anyway on the way back there was this rediculous video playing on the the MRT TV screens which was in the vein of a public security announcement. It was really badly acted out and the storyline went something like this...
"You need to look out for your safey and of those around you. Keep your eyes open for anything and anyone that looks suspicious. See that man? [Man enters train carrying bag] He looks suspicious and agitated. He's uncomfortable. What's in that bag? It looks heavy. What could be in that heavy bag? He's taking a seat. Keep an eye on him. He's avoiding eye-contact with everyone. Look, he's leaving the train and he's left his bag under the chair.
""Hey you've left your bag!" [shouts a lady] "Yes you've left your bag," [shouts a man]. "No, no it's not mine," [says Suspicious Man as he runs off train]."
"See he's disassociating himself from the bag. No don't go near it [as another man tries to pull it out from under the chair] it might be a bomb. Pull the emergency lever and get the MRT staff to call the police [as done by the lady]. You now know what to do."
What the hell is that all about!!! Talk about paranoia. This place is beginning to look more and more like 1984. Another great example of this was when we got off the train there was a poster that said, "If you are suffering from any illness then don't come into the city centre". Can you say Thought Control. Incidently, it's illegal to disagree with the Government here so I hope that cyberspace doesn't count!
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