Rocky Bal-boring (almost)

I went up to the Chatwswood cinema instead and bought a ticket for Rocky Balboa. Where do I start? It was...OK. There are some ultra-cheesy rants by Stallone and a bit of fake tears going on near the start but the premise is quite good. Also is worth spending an hour wandering through shite script to get to the fight scene at the end. Not as emotional as the first couple but still drums up a few butterflies when he's punching it out in the ring. Perhads a 3 out of 5.
While I was in there I got a text from Isla. She was wanting to go to the cinema later that night to see Ghostrider. The trailers looked pretty good and 2 movies in one day are no big deal besides it was Tuesday and the cinema prices are discounted.
Oh Dear, what a pile of crap. I'm normally a fan of Marvel Comic film adaptations but this was a bad as the time they screwed up the film "Spawn" or the time they had to remake the end of "Spiderman" because of the 911 incident. There was really no plot and it was full of plot mistakes. Also the acting was guff which was to be expected. I have to say that Nick Cage does a really good impression of Ben Stiller at the end of "Meet the Parents" when he's talking to the mirror that has a video camera in it. Other than that complete rubbish - 1 out of 5.
I'm going to take this curse...
and use it against you!
I'm sorry but you deserve all you get for going to see a film with that line in the trailer, if that's one of the highlights I really don't want to see the rest.
Went to see Hot Fuzz at the weekend and it was class.
11:30 am
Did you hear (unsurprisingly) that Sly was arrested for taking illegal hormones into Sydney (he's promoting and doing another Rambo movie - let the 80's go man!!!! Move on!!!)
I did like the end of Balboa - there were a few ROARS going on in my flat "Come on!!!!" "Yeahhhhh!!!" which was good. Worth it for that... just. Never watch it again though!
Hot Fuzz a disappoinment though... nowhere near Shaun of the Dead... and only a few giggles were mustered. Glad it was a torrent and I didn't waste my money in the cinema!
Still best last few I've seen would still be "The Departed" and "Little Miss Sunshine"
All others have been OK
12:53 am
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