MeNTaL PeoPLe MeNtAL WEathEr!!!
Everything was bonkers today. It was my last evening shift in my set of 4 and I was looking forward to a quiet one, although to be honest it never really matters what happens on the last shift as you know that you don't have to come in the next day.
Luckily the trains were back on so I made my way to work on the tracks, bike in hand but was dismayed to find the waiting room full and the whole of the ED full as well. After I got changed I plowed into the Fast-track patients (which is the same as "Minors" back home) to try to make a dent but things just went from bad to worse as I moved into Majors and then finally Resus.

"I know the Prime Minster and I'm going to tell him what you're doing in this shit hole!"
"Your fat and ugly" (OK so she had a point here).
"F*** you f*** you f*** you f*** you (this goes on for about 10 minutes).
"My husband raped me 2 nights ago (which was not true as she was in jail for trying to stab him) and now you are raping me with your drugs!"
"I want to see my Psychiatrist NOOOOOOOOOW! Not some F***ing bitch Registrar"
"This wouldn't happen in Europe, only America and Australia because American and Australian men can't get their c***s hard and need to rape women with drugs."
And the best insult I've ever heard.....
"I hope all your babies are born dead!"
Thanks you mentalist! Honestly, I realise that people have stress in their jobs but if someone was to walk into a bank and behave like that on a regular basis half the staff would leave and the other half would probably be killed in the gunfire from the SWAT team that was taking her down. I'm constantly amazed at what people in the medical profession have to put up with. (For all the psyche docs out there - I know she has a mental illness but it's still not nice for other non-psych patients to have to listen to/put up with that kind of abuse.)

None the less I got home in one piece (physically if not mentally) and I had the most amazing card waiting for me on the table from Tash. It had a great photo on the front of Tash ala biker gear and awesome chat - "Maxout Productions" I love it! I almost (but not quite) had a touch of home sickness but a rapid thought of Burbury soon fixed that!
Anyway, good night everyone - four days of sloth await!
Dear God,
I LOVE MY JOB. I promise to say thank you every day for my job. Please never let me either
a) have to work in a hospital for whatever reason or
b) be like that woman Zain had to put up with in hospital.
I promise to be good and say how much I love my job every day forever and I promise not to complain about my job ever again because really, IT'S NOT THAT BAD!!!
Lots of Love
8:00 pm
PS- Zain you are doing a grand job- someone's got to do it and I'm glad that person isn't me. I promise to join the next 'NHS staff don't get paid enough for what they have to put up with' rally!
8:01 pm
cheers Sera! I actually really enjoy my job - it helps that I have no sympathy for these people!!!
12:39 am
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