The Simpsons...!

This story is so ridiculous but amazingly true.
I was on nights a few weeks ago and one of the Ambulance Crew was kicking about the department. He's a decent chap called Bart and he always seems to be on whenever I am. There was a load of laughter around him and I was eager to find out what all the hilarity was about.
It turns out he had just picked up a 90 year old man who had been feeling unwell and then brought him in the Ambo to the hospital. "Big deal?" you ask. Well the big deal is that the patient's name was "Homer". How funny is that? Bart picks up Homer in his ambulance and brings him to Emergency.
However, it gets better... Homer's last name was Simpson!!! I kid you not. I'm sure it's breach of confidentially or something but I'm not that bothered as he's a bit of a local celebrity and has been on the TV and stuff because of his name. But the chance of him getting sick on the night that Bart is duty... insanely coincidental.
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