I've just seen the funiest thing ever!!! Do you remember that scene in
Mall Rats? where there is that bit that goes something like "That kid is BACK on the escalator again"? And then there is some chat about a "blood bath ensuing".

Well I've just seen it happen. Here I am editing the prologue to the book I'm writing and I hear someone at the station shouting "Help, help, help... HEEEEEELLLLLLP! HELP ME. HELP ME!!!" Now normally I would have thought that someone was being raped or killed but after all this is Sydney and when I went to the window to see what all the commotion was about do I see badness??? No, I see a fat goth with her billowy sail-like black skirt caught in the escalator. She was grabbing the hand rail trying to push it backwards but without success.
However, a weedy little Asian boy turned up and just gave her skirt a pull and out it came. Thankfully I didn't have to see any Bridget Jones style knickers - mind you her's were probably black and covered in Skull and Cross bones.
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