"I love the dark. I love the dark... but I hate nature!" Chunk from The Goonies

Isla phoned me from Queensland and said she'd almost trodden on a Taipan the other day when out walking in the Bush with her Dad. I was a bit jealous but soon changed my mind on the way to work last night.
As I've said before there are no street light in Australia (practically) and as I left the station and headed to the hospital I wandered down a long dark street that I always walk down. However, the change of seasons seems to have brought out all the nasty little beasties that have been hiding under rocks for the last few months.

I walked into the A&E department liked I'd just spend a few too many hours on the set of an Indiana Jones movie but was quite relieved to be bite free although I wasn't enjoying the new silk trim on my hoodie.

Not happy with using our sofa for a nice place to rest he decided to take off and fly round the room a few times with a crazy display of speed before streaking out the window. I guess I'd startled him a bit but that didn't stop him crapping not once, not twice but three times during that mad indoor flight - once on the couch, once on the window and a final thoughfully placed shite on the fitness ball.
The bugger.
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