Tonigh I moved a bunch of my stuff down to the olds house. 5 big boxes of DVDs, CDs and books and all my snowboard gear. It was all a bit of a disaster.
Firstly they wouldn't let me leave any of the stuff in the house since there was "no room". Bear in mind that they've got a 4 bedroom sandstone house in half an acre of land! Then they said that I would have to leave the stuff in the garage. I really don't mind this but the fact is that I'm sure my stuff is merely going to end up as rat nest material in that place. None-the-less I moved it in there as I don't really have a choice short of putting everything into storage.
But that wasn't the best bit of the night. That came when I when onto Dad's computer to show them this blog and Mum says "What a shame you're writing all this stuff and nobody has time to read it!"
It's great to know that you put in all this effort to make sure that you rellies are kept up to speed without having to wait for phone calls or letters but they don't have time to read a blog. Retirement must be rubbish. It seems to use up more time that when they were working. I'm beginning to regret my decision to get the whole family sorted out with Skype for their Christmas!!!

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