Anyone that watches any TV will realise that most of it nowadays is utter crap (with the exception of Planet Earth, Blue Planet, Lost and Battlestar Galactica). In particular I hate River City. Why would someone even dream up this rubbish. Quite possibly the worst program I've even had the misfortune to see. I'd rather spend all day in Daniel Craig's torture chair with that rope being whacked off my bits than hear anything about that show ever again.

This is also something that's totally mental about Glasgow. Everyone is out and about with chibs (that's a blade for all you folks not familiar with the lingo) like it's the same as wearing shoes. Last year Glasgow was rated "The city you are most likely to be stabbed in - IN THE WORLD!". Just to give you an example of how many stabbings there are, Glasgow Royal Infirmary treats 700 stabbings are year in Accident and Emergency and that number doesn't show any signs of decreasing.

I think everyone will agree that the weather in Scotland blows (literally). This picture accurately portrays the Scottish seasons. Apparently there was a couple of nice days this summer but I always seemed to be working when the sun was out so now I have bendy bones, pale skin and seasonal affective disorder. Today there is a chance of rain in Sydney - but it's 24 degrees!

This is a major problem in Scotland. I was a student for 10 years and spent a fair amount of it trying to find the elusive bottom of the bottle. In Feb of this year Isla and I did the
Thirst For Life thingy which was a 40 day abstinence from alcohol. I have to say that it wasn't that hard but the main problem was that after about 10pm in Glasgow there is nothing to do. Seems a bit pointless to go to a pub or a club to drink diet coke. I realise that there is a big drinking culture in Australia but if you wanted to be tee-total at least there is plenty of other things to do as well.

Of all the things that I will miss the LEAST in Glasgow - well that would be the Neds. I'm absolutely positive that if you were to go on that game show where they say "We asked 100 people what the hated the most about Glasgow..." This one would be right up there, if not the top answer. I'm sure that there is the odd one that's OK but I've yet to meet him. The number of times I've been walking down the street (at any time of day or night) and heard that innane nasal chat is impossible to count. Also I hate the fact that every single one of them ESPECIALLY the ones under 16 posture continuously like they are on the verge of violence; usual without provocation or reason.
Perhaps there will be similar things that I dislike about Sydney and the rest of Oz but I severely doubt it.
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