Charity begins at home

I do believe that if you have stuff that you don't need and you can't sell it then you should donate it to your local charity shop. However, it's a real shame that in this day and age so many people rely on the generosity of the public instead of the ability of their Government to provide for them.
Rant over.
So today I took a whole bunch of books and clothes to the British Red Cross. I suppose being from a medical background then this make sence as my charity of choice but alas it had nothing to do with that. It was the closest shop to where I parked the car. Books are heavy man!
Now I'm in a real state. I've pulled about 3 muscles in my back and I can't walk or sit without getting shooting pains down the right side of my back. Also I'm kinda stuck on the couch cause and I can't do any further packing until this goes away.
But the absolute worst thing about my predicament is that I've already taken all my DVDs and books to the folks so there in nothing to do in the flat and the only that is on TV just now is bloody Kevin Costner's Waterworld. I don't know what's worse, my back or Costner's rubbish acting. All this because I was trying to do a good deed!
The Salvation Army was very pleased with your donation as well.
5:33 pm
Ah, Cheers!
2:52 pm
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