This poem is famous in Australia and was written by someone with the incredible name of
Banjo Paterson. Infact I think there are a few lines from it on a $10 note. Anyway what I find strange is why they would call anything here "Snowy". I don't know if you remember the Fosters Beer advert a few years ago where the Aussie bloke falls off a cliff and his mate can hear him at the bottom shouting "Snowy! Snowy!"
The bloke throws himself down the steep and rocky hillside cutting and breaking himself to help his mate who's still shouting for "Snowy". Battered and bruised Snowy gets to the bottom of the dusty cliff only to find his mate in a tree and who seems quite unpreturbed and when Snowy says "what!" the bloke in the tree replies "I can see the pub from here!"
So as you can see there is a bit of a theme regarding snow here - perhaps it's tongue in cheek because when I was speaking to one of the wardsmen/porters the other day he told me that he's never seen real snow! WHAT! Even in this day and age he's still not had a run in with the white stuff.

Now Australia does have some ski resorts but there are a bit unreliable like Scotland's snow and they're are a decent half day drive from Sydney in the
Snowy Mountains so I guess if you have no interest in winter sports then it's entirely possible that you could go for a few years in New South Wales without seeing any snow - but the bloke is in his late 40's or 50's so I don't know how you could avoid it for so long?
Another reason against staying in Australia for good I guess.