New Year was weird. It wasn't really what I'm used to. It started in the hotel room where Isla and I had a bottle of champagne and watched the world go by from out vantage point. Then we got ready and headed out. We weren't really sure what to expect but there was supposed to be a fire work display in the Bay behind our hotel so we wondered down to see it. We'd dressed quite smartly for the ocassion and stopped off in one of the local bars for some more champers (which at S$90 per bottle wasn't actually that bad given prices elsewhere).

After we left the bar we got carried along to the Bay with the crowd. It was odd that there was no pushing or shoving, no shouting and no violence. As I've said previously, a very ordered society this one. We were there by 10:30pm and without too much hassle managed to get right up to the front of the crowds. Nobody really seemed that bothered about being nudged out of the way so we got a great spot really quickly. However, everyone else was in shorts and t-shirts and it soon became apparent why. The heavens opened as is the way here, and within minutes we were soaked. There was a guy sitting next to us who seemed to be one of the organisers and I asked what time the fireworks were starting. He said "some at 11pm and some at midnight". Since we were already soaked we decided to stay at least until the 11pm fireworks. Unfortunately the photo above is the only fireworks that were set off. THAT'S IT! We waited for another 15mins but nothing. So we decided to head back to the hotel and get changed then watch them from our room.

Incidently, these lantern things were totally cool. It seemed that earlier on in the day people had been writing New Year wishes on these ballons which were then taken out and anchored in the Bay. It was quite a sight and certainly made up for the rubbishy 11pm fireworks. Anyway, back to the hotel. I got changed into my kilt (of course) and we headed into the atrium of the hotel and there was a live 20-piece band playing and some DJs and stuff. We didn't have tickets to join in (besides they were S$138 a piece) but we were still able to watch from one of the balconies dinking S$18 glasses of champagne. The partying went on until 2:30am but we were on the outskirts of this so it seemed a bit like we were crashing someone else's party. We had a reasonable time but we forgot to see the main fireworks at midnight which was a shame. I only hope they were better than the 11pm ones.
As I mentioned before, this NY seemed a bit weird. My memories usually involve hanging out with a big group of mates in Inverness or Stornoway or Dumfries (or working!!!) for a few days with lots of antics like surfing during a hail storm of diving over roaring bonfires and breaking of collar bones going on. This was nothing like that. It was totally subdued and seemed lacking somewhat. I know that Isla is not a fan of New Year but I have fond memories from this time of year and this is probably not one that I'll be that bothered about remembering (unfortunately I didn't have that much to drink so I suppose I will remember it). At least we weren't standing out in the pouring rain... oh, wait a minute... we were!

By the way I took this photo on the way back from the Bay as were walked through one of the malls. As you can see there is not a shred of litter, no piss, no vomit, no drunks and no bodies. People here really know how to have a party. Just kidding, but it does go to show you that you can have 50,000 people in one place watching an event at this time of year without all the badness that we, as Scots, expect to go with it. I suppose if the threat of being beheaded for littering was imposed on us then George Square might be a tad tidier.